Week E0 2024
SEPT 2-13, 2024
Welcome to UBC Engineering!
We are excited to see many new faces in the community and welcome back returning members! The Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS) has been busy planning two weeks of exciting events to kick off this brand new school year. This is your chance to make new friends, explore campus and connect with the engineering community.
Tickets for E-Retreat have now sold out :(
but there's always the waitlist! Sign up below :)

September 13 at 4 PM to September 15 at 4 PM | Camp Latona, Gambier Island | $150, all inclusive |
After your first two weeks on campus, we go on retreat! Probably the best part of being a first year — seriously. 2-days-2-nights of fun with 99 other first year engineering students. Take some time to hang out, as well as participate in organized events!Come with an open mind and it’ll be the experience of a lifetime. Bond with new friends, hear stories from the older students (the volunteers), and learn more about how to get involved. E-Retreat 2024 will be located on Gambier Island, at Camp Latona!
From September 13-15, we’ll be on Gambier Island at Camp Latona for the ultimate student-only weekend. You can hang out or follow along with our organized events! Here’s some of the things E-Retreat will have to offer: Ropes courses, Kayaking, Swimming, Board and Card Games, Bonfires, the Traditional Hike and Shameless Pride in Engineering!ARE YOU EXCITED? Don’t worry, we know you are. We have a limited amount of spots available, so be sure to get your tickets ASAP!
Check out more detailed event descriptions.
Event | Date/Time | Place | Description |
Imagine Day BBQ | Tues Sept 3 4:30PM-7:30PM | EOSC Field | Come out after the main event to chow down on some free food, play some spikeball, and line up for a chance to get your hands on a discounted red |
E-Retreat 101 | Wed Sept 4 5:00PM-6:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Come out and learn about our annual engineering retreat! |
Games Night w/Upper Years | Wed Sept 4, 6:00PM-9:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Free pizza, Board games, Sage advice from upper years, what more do you need? |
Gears & Queers Breakfast | Thurs Sept 5 9:00AM-10:00AM | Kaiser Atrium | Come grab a free pancake and learn all about our amazing ex-officio club, Gears & Queers |
Smash BrEUS | Thursday, Sept 5 9:30AM-11:30AM | Engineering Student Centre | Show off your super smash bros prowess |
Red Sales Showcase & hEUStory: The Legend of the Engineers | Thursday, Sept 5 5:00PM-8:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Check out everything red sales has to offer and learn about what the UBC Engineers have done through the years to get our infamous reputation |
Chariot Racing & BBQ | Friday, Sept 6 10:00AM-12:00PM | Main Mall @ the Cairn | Come participate in one of engineering's oldest and bestest events: Chariot Racing. Even if you don't compete its a riot to watch |
Water Fight!! | Sat Sept 7 1:00PM-4:30PM | Starts @ the Cairn | Hopefully it isn't raining, there will be free food here too if you were wondering |
Wreck Beach BBQ | Sat Sept 7 6:00PM-9:00PM | Wreck Beach | UBC's most famous beach, burgers and a sunset! Whats not to like? |
Subzero Sundaes & Science | Mon Sept 9 11:00AM-12:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | We have copius amounts of liquid nitrogen and we will make ice cream (and maybe light something on fire, who knows) |
How NOT to Fail First Year | Mon Sept 9 5:30PM-7:30PM | Engineering Student Centre | Get lifehacks to all your toughest first year classes from the VP Academic and our tutoring directors |
Department BBQ | Tues Sept 10 11:00AM-1:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Learn all about all the different engineering disciplines while enjoying some free BBQ |
PP Council 101 & Pizza | Tues Sept 10 5:00PM-6:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | So what's a PP? (first year). Now thats out of the way, didya know you have a council? That you can run for?! |
E-Retreat Info Session | Wed Sept 11 5:00PM-6:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Mandatory sesh for everyone going to e-retreat (will be informartive) |
Pancake Breakfast | Thursday Sept 12 9:00AM-11:00AM | Kaiser Atrium | Enjoy some free pancakes between classes while learning about all the volunteer positions the EUS has to offer |
Spikeball & BBQ | Thurs Sept 12 4:00PM-7:00PM | EOSC Field | Come compete in the first EUS tournament of the year! Earn some sports points and take advantage of FREE FOOD |
Pre-Retreat BBQ | Fri Sept 13 4:00PM-5:00PM | Engineering Student Centre | Quick grab a burger before you get on the bus to E-RETREAT!! |